Our Events

Check out the various events that HBOT4Heroes has to offer.

Upcoming Events

Stay connected and join us for our upcoming events! At HBOT4Heroes, we are committed to supporting our veterans and community through engaging and informative events. Click on any of the images below to learn more about the upcoming event!

Evening of Thanksgiving

North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
November 22nd, 2024

Past Events

Stay connected and join us for our upcoming events! At HBOT4Heroes, we are committed to supporting our veterans and community through engaging and informative events.

Ed diGirolamo Speech

Evening of Bravery

March 1st, 2024

The HBOT4Heroes Evening of Bravery was an inspiring evening dedicated to honoring veterans and promoting Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) as a life-changing treatment. The event featured heartfelt testimonials, a keynote speech by Mike Pompeo, and the presentation of the 2024 Superhero Award to James S. Hooker.

Attendees enjoyed elegant dining, powerful stories of resilience, and a collective spirit of support. The evening successfully raised awareness and funds to further the mission of providing healing and hope to veterans in need.

Raleigh, NC

Annual Charity Golf Tournament

May 13th, 2024

At the Annual Charity Golf Tournament 2024, HBOT4Heroes proudly sponsored the 17th hole, showcasing their dedication to supporting veterans. The event brought together golf enthusiasts and supporters of veteran causes, raising awareness about the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for veterans suffering from PTSD, TBI, and other conditions.

The HBOT4Heroes booth provided information, engaged attendees, and promoted the mission to help veterans lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. The event was a great success in highlighting the critical work being done to support our heroes.

Durham, NC

Golf Tent HB4H