Finding Clarity and Calm through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy William Prince SPEC-4 USA, Retired. William Prince, a Vietnam veteran and former Army artillery specialist, served in combat before being honorably discharged. His wife, Shirley Prince, has witnessed firsthand...
A Journey from Skepticism to Healing through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Billy Rickles Staff Sergeant USAR, Retired. Billy Rickles’ journey from skepticism to advocacy for hyperbaric oxygen therapy underscores the transformative impact of the treatment on...
Renewing Health and Purpose with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chris Rabassi Major USMC, Retired. Chris Rabassi, a retired Marine Corps Major, served 26 years, including deployments during the initial invasion of Iraq in 2003 and later to Ramadi in 2005. His service...
A New Lease on Life: A Vietnam Vet’s Transformation Through HBOT Dan Campbell Sergeant USA, Retired. Dan Campbell, a Vietnam War veteran who has struggled with PTSD and other health issues throughout his life, embarked on a life-changing journey with Hyperbaric...
Overcoming Anger and Pain through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Eugene Allen AQCS, U.S. Navy, Retired. Eugene Allen is a retired Aviation Fire Control Technician (AQCS) who worked on bombing navigation systems for naval aircraft. His service involved...